Ontario Wildlife Rescue works with over 50 Wildlife Rescue centres across Ontario that take in injured and orphaned wild animals. Ontario Wildlife Rescue connects those who have found injured and orphaned wild animals (the public) with those who can look after them (Wildlife Rescue Centers). We operates the website www.ontariowildliferescue.ca . The site has all the wildlife centres in Ontario (authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources & Wildlife Canada) and is broken down by species (squirrels, raccoons, skunks, wild birds ect). All contact information for each centre including phone number and location. Can you can put a link on your website to www.ontariowildliferescue.ca website. If anyone from Ontario goes to your website, a link will help them connect with a Wildlife Rehabber in Ontario. If you have any questions about us or Wildlife Rescue Centers please contact us at [email protected] or call 416 436-9892